Latest News

I am delighted to announce that my colleague
Dr. Laila Kaikavoosi will be joining me from the 1st October 2015. Dr Laila will be available on Mondays and Thursdays and
I will be available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
When you need help in the areas of...
Womens' Health
As we age there’s a naturally occurring decline in hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone and this can cause a wide range of problems in post-menopausal women.
With extensive expertise in women's health and as a member of the British Menopausal Society I'm able to offer help and advice in the management of Menopause. Please look at my site for full details but briefly, I am able to help in terms of prescriptions for HRT and for the increasingly requested Standard Biodentical HRT (BHRT) and Bespoke BHRT. Use of this
- Reduces and often stops hot flushes and sweats
- Improves mood disorders
- Improves sexual function
- Reduces vaginal dryness and urinary problems
- Helps to maintain the collagen in the skin
- Reduces the loss of bone and invertebral discs
- Stimulates muscle repair with better mobility and power
- Prevents osteoporosis
- Reduces accelerated furring of the arteries
- Possibly reduces Alzheimer’s disease
- Reduces the risk of colon cancer
- And reduces incidence of coronary disease by 50%*
* A flawed 2002 study caused anxiety in doctors and patients alike when it claimed an increased risk of heart disease and breast cancer in women. Since that time, the study has been extensively reviewed and current thinking is that the risks connected with HRT treatment are minimal - and that they're further reduced when using bio identical HRT (BHRT).
If you would like to find out more the initial consultation lasts 45 minutes and this includes a detailed history of your symptoms and blood tests.
I'm also able to offer assistance in terms of:
- Pre-conception advice and advice for couples who may need IVF
- Sexual health checks - tests for HIV, Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections (STI's)
- Smear tests and HPV testing (the virus that causes cervical cancer)
Psychosexual Medicine
Research suggests that between a third and a half of adults report having sexual problems. This really need not create relationship difficulties if you seek help.
As a specialist in psychosexual medicine I work with patients to help them understand the emotional and physical causes of their sexual problems. For further information about this please get in touch, we are empathetic, confidential and discreet.
We all like to look good as well as feel good.
Please get in touch for information about Botox® , Skin Treatments, Thread Veins, Skin tags and managing Menopause with Bio identical HRT.
If you would like more detail on these subjects please visit my sister site really is better than cure
Comprehensive Health Assessment
The comprehensive health assessment additionally includes:
- Bloods tests - haematology, cholesterol, diabetes, liver and kidney, risk markers for heart disease and stroke
- Electrocardiogram
- Lung function testing
- Prostate tests for men over 45
- Cervical smears for women
- Mammograms by arrangement
We can provide prompt medical assessments to companies wishing to offer these as company benefit or which require them as a pre-employment requirement.
We also offer health assessments to individuals and families.
In fact, because we strongly believe in the promotion of preventative medicine, we are one of the few London practices to have invested in a Cardio Health Station - this is ultrasound equipment for carotid artery scanning.
Menopause Assessment
This one hour consultation forms the basis of the effective and bespoke management of menopause. It comprises
- Gynaecological History
- Breast examination
- A comprehensive series of blood tests to establish your unique hormone levels
- Initial advice on available therapies
Carotid Artery Scanning
It's a sad fact that most victims of heart attack or stroke are caught completely off guard. Until recently doctors could only determine this happening to you by reviewing traditional risk factors like age, gender, "good" and "bad" chloresterol, smoking, bloody pressure and family history.
Unfortunately this method is not conclusive which is why we leaped at the chance to be the first in the country to offer carotid artery scanning as part of your healthcheck.
This non-invasive ultrasound scan takes just 10 minutes and gives you a clear indication of what’s going on is your body so that we can more accurately determine your risk of heart attack or stroke.
The extra level of information that this innovative machine provides also helps us to put into place the best strategy for managing your risk - whether that’s diet, exercise, reduction in blood pressure; or medication to reduce cholesterol levels.
What price peace of mind? The cost of each scan with e-mailed report and analysis is just £100. Please contact us to book in yourself, your colleagues and your loved ones – everyone over 35 should consider this check.
Well Woman Check
My well woman check comprises a 30 minute consultation which covers
- Gynaecological History
- Blood tests - blood count for anaemia, liver and kidney function, cholesterol and diabetes.
- Breast examination
- Smear test/HPV check
Dr Stephanie Goodwin
You will find we offer the values of old fashioned family medicine in a modern setting. Our professional and relaxed family practice has been running since 1974 when it was started by my father Dr Philip Goodwin. I joined in 1997.
Registered with the General Medical Council – and following their guidelines on Good Medical Practice - I am a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners with a wide range of experience in family medicine, and I hold several post-graduate qualifications including:
- a Diploma in Occupational Health
- a Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Membership of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine
You will only ever see me so I will know about you and your medical history from personal experience - this saves a lot of time and I believes it means we can take better care of our patients.
My long standing reception staff - Caroline Mason and Sally Woodman - are experienced, helpful and always willing to go the extra mile to help with your problems.
In the unlikely event of a complaint we do have a written complaints procedure
“…she has been a proactive advocate for health in our family and, as both my wife and I have busy work and travel schedules, her responsiveness, flexibility and willingness to engage to suit our timetable has been invaluable."
“ Stephanie is a true professional and a great example of what a GP really should be”
"Stephanie has been a really supportive GP - helping the family very quickly and thoughtfully. She has guided us to the right specialist intervention when necessary and been supportive of all the usual family health needs."